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January 6, 1980

During Holy Mass in our Chapel at the Consecration “the Light” came over the altar and the priest.


On receiving “Our Lord” I had a heavenly vision.


A big, strong tree was standing in front of me. From ground-level grew a large, heavy side-branch, which spread forth into smaller branches. Suddenly, I saw someone approaching rapidly with other men following. The group stopped near the tree, and I saw clearly that it was our Holy Father, Pope John Paul II ac­companied by some Cardinals on either side. The Holy Father looked at the tree with deep concern. He raised his head and I heard Him say:


“My Lord, what am I to do?”


Immediately, a very strong “Light” came from the sky over the Holy Father, and 1 heard “the Voice” say:


“My Cephas, you have called unto Me…listen. Remove that side-branch from the tree, for you will find that there already was destruction in the roots of this branch. It has been infested by the worms of death.”


Then I heard the Holy Father ask:


“But My Lord, how can I manage that?”


“The Voice” answered:


“I shall help you, look…”


And I saw a powerful flash of lightning, followed by a terrible thunderbolt, which struck that side-branch and severed it from the tree. With a heavy crash the side-branch fell on the ground just before the feet of the Holy Father and the Cardinals. Small and bigger branches which had fallen off that tall side-branch lay scat­tered everywhere. I heard “the Voice” speaking again:

“Take up this side-branch and see how it is worm-eaten. Have a good look at it.”


I saw how the Holy Father and the Cardinals did their utmost in lifting the heavy side-branch. Worms were creeping out of it. In the bark of the branch I saw the letter N carved and behind it Human­ism – Marxism – Modernism. Then the branch turned into a coffin and on that coffin I saw the letter S twice and some other letters.

“The Voice” spoke:


“Do you see the destruction ? Now things are going to be all right, for the tree can flourish again and bear rich fruit.”


Then “the Voice” said to me:


“Come, we go on, watch and listen…”


I had the feeling that my lips were being locked and suddenly I was standing in a hall.

I saw the Holy Father, Pope John Paul II, sitting there, with on his right and left some Cardinals and other high ranking Eccle­siastics.


A door opened… and I saw some Bishops coming in. I counted seven. One of them walked in front.

To my dismay, most of them were wearing a mask and all car­ried a kind of plate with a letter on it in their hands.


The one who led had the letter U on his plate. He knelt down before the Pope and turned his plate slowly towards the Holy Fa­ther. I saw that it was a mirror…


Then a marvellous “Light” from on high descended upon the Holy Father. I heard “the Voice” speaking to him:


“Watch well, they show you a mirror image. And look… they wear masks, and behind the masks they hide their real faces.”


“The Voice” stopped for a moment and continued imploringly:


“My Peter, I warn you. Keep the staff in your hands. Start building up again.”


Meanwhile, the other Bishops came nearer, one after the other, and knelt down before the Holy Father. Each of them carried a plate with a letter on it. They all turned their plates and showed their mirrors to the Holy Father.


On their plates I read the letters in the following sequence: the letters “H,” then a letter “B,” and a letter “G.”


Then came a Bishop with half a mask and no letter. And finally two Bishops followed without mirrors and masks. Over their head I discerned the Roman Numeral VI. I saw that the Holy Father raised these two Bishops from their kneeling position and I heard him say:


“My sons, persevere, make a firm stand. I will send you Shepherds.”


He spoke these words almost whispering, yet I could under­stand them. Then unrest arose among all of them…


There is nothing further I could see, for all of a sudden every­thing faded away, while I heard:


“Convey all this.”


I asked “the Lord” to help me to pass is on accurately. Thereupon, “the Light” disappeared slowly from my view.

February 2, 1980

During Holy Mass in our Chapel I saw “the Light” coming at the Offertory. It was shining only over the altar and the priest till the end of the Consecration, and then it spread over all those present.


On receiving “Our Lord” I saw a heavenly vision. I heard “the Voice” say:


“Come along and watch. Listen to what I shall tell you and pass it on correctly.”


At once I was standing in St. Peter’s Square and I clearly saw St. Peter’s and the Vatican before me.


Crumbled stones were lying in front of St. Peter’s and the Vatican.


Suddenly, a whirlwind blew across the Square. I could hardly keep standing on my feet because of the gale.


Nowhere I could hold on and I shouted:

“My Lord, save me.”


At once the gale stopped and silence fell around. A splendid, heavenly “Light” radiated all over the Square and I heard “the Voice” calling from the clouds:


“So when…the purification has passed, the twig can shoot again and grow into a tree with mighty roots.”


And in the centre of the Square, I saw a small twig sprouting from the soil. Watching carefully, I saw it growing taller and taller and in no time a mighty tree was standing in front of me.


I heard “the Voice” calling all over the Square:


“My people, you must implore the Father. Ask HIM for good Apostles, priests…and the Church of Rome will regain its strength.”


Then “the Voice” stopped for a moment and while I saw our Holy Father, Pope John Paul II, I heard:


“And you, My Supreme Pastor, I shall open your eyes and ears still more. You will be the Master-builder of the present time and the coming generation.”


I did not see the crumbled stones before St. Peter’s and the Vatican any longer, and I was at peace within my heart. While ev­erything faded away from my view, I thanked “the Lord” and prayed:


“Please, My Lord, help me to pass on accurately all these happen­ings.” Then “the Light” also disappeared slowly from my sight.

March 25, 1980

(35 Years After 1st Apparition)


During Holy Mass in our Chapel, at the Creed, I saw that the Painting of “the Lady of All Nations” was surrounded with heav­enly “Light.”


Above the Painting appeared a splendid Crown, which radi­ated in all directions. At the Consecration “the Light” came over the altar and the priest, and I saw a beam of Light from the Painting fusing with “the Light” over the altar.


On receiving “Our Lord,” I had a heavenly vision and heard “the Voice” say:


“Come, follow Me and watch.”


At once I was standing in St. Peter’s Square and clearly saw St. Peter’s and the Vatican. In the centre of the Square I saw a golden stem with a bud on it, sprouting from the soil.


While I watched, the golden bud unfolded itself. Petal after petal opened and the bud grew gradually into a big, beautiful golden rose.


Then I saw our Holy Father, Pope John Paul II, with a few Cardinals and some other Ecclesiastics coming down the stairs of St. Peter’s.


The Holy Father was carrying something in his hands, they all stopped in front of the golden rose.

The Cardinals were standing at the right side, the others at the left side of the Holy Father. One Cardinal beckoned me to stand at his side. Now I could see that the Holy Father was holding a Crown in his hands. Suddenly, the golden rose turned into the image of “the Lady of All Nations.” The Holy Father stepped towards the image and placed the Crown on the top of it. Then he joined his hands and stood in front of it, praying quietly.

From the sky I heard “the Voice” calling:


“And then…the Church, the Community that you are watching now, will return and flourish again.”


Then I saw the Holy Father and his following return to the Vatican.


After this vision faded away and I thanked “the Lord.” – “The Light” which had been shining in the Chapel over all those present, also disappeared slowly.

April 3, 1980

In the evening, during the solemnity of Maundy Thursday, at the Consecration I saw “the Light” coming over the altar and the priest.


After the Consecration it spread slowly over the people present and stayed until the end of the ceremony.


Before I went to Holy Communion, I saw a heavenly vision.


I was walking in a narrow street of Jerusalem and a “Radiant Figure” was going ahead of men. He said to me:

“Come, follow Me.”


I followed Him through that narrow street and as we reached its end, the vision suddenly changed.


Now I saw that “Radiant Fig­ure” going ahead of me in our Chapel towards the priest who was administering Holy Communion.


When I came to kneel before the priest in order to receive “Our Lord,” the “Radiant Figure” had vanished. I received the Sacred Host, which began living on my tongue, while I heard:

“Thus…I want to be brought among mankind, from the hands of ordained priests.”


“Ordained priests” was said with strong emphasis. I felt very intimately and more closely united with “the Lord” than usually. Then “the Light” disappeared very slowly out of sight and I thanked “the Lord.”

May 25, 1980

Whit Sunday


During Holy Mass in our Chapel, at the Consecration, I saw “the Light” coming over the altar and the priest in three beams, which then slowly, like a folding fan, joined into one grand, lus­trous “Light” and then spread over all those present.


When I received Holy Communion, I saw a heavenly vision and heard “the Voice” say:

“Come, follow Me and convey My Message to him for whom it is meant.”


Then right away I stood in St. Peter’s Square and I saw and heard a terrible storm coming over St. Peter’s and the Vatican. A heavy rainfall followed. However, watching more closely, I saw the raindrops over St. Peter’s were like white fire, yet those over the Vatican like normal fire. Suddenly, I saw a person dressed all in white standing on the steps of St. Peter’s. He stood with his back to me and was watching the fire-rain.


All at once, the rain over the Vatican transformed into letters, first the letter V appeared and one by one other letters followed, until I could read:

“Vatican II.”


I felt as if there came a clip on my lips and heard:

“My Peter, look what has happened.”


The person dressed in white on the steps of St. Peter’s turned round and I now saw that he was our Holy Father, Pope John Paul II. He looked up as if listening, while these words were spoken, and “the Voice” continued:

“Watch carefully.”


A large map unrolled before us. Some countries I could dis­tinctly see: the Netherlands, France, Germany and Belgium, but other countries I saw as in a haze. Then the map was folded again and suddenly turned into a large prairie. A flock of sheep was graz­ing there peacefully. Then I heard the clattering sound of hoofs approaching. A great number of white and black horses came gal­loping along. They scattered the flock and chased the sheep, which were thrown into complete confusion. The Holy Father, too, was watching very attentively. From the sky “the Voice” shouted:

“Look what has happened. They have bolted like savage horses and are driving My flock to despair. You, Peter, must restrain them with ‘the Doctrine’ which is and will always remain.”

These last words: “which is and will always remain” were heard echoing three times all over St. Peter’s Square.


“The Voice” spoke:

“Look where it began”


“The Voice” paused a moment and continued:


“Beware of the wolves, My Peter, they come to you concealed in a sheepskin. Go through with your Shepherd’s Crook.”


Now I saw the Holy Father, head bowed, going back to the Vatican. Then everything faded away from my view, including “the Light.” I thank “the Lord.”

May 31, 1980

During Holy Mass in the Chapel, at the Consecration, I saw “the Light” coming over the altar and the priest.


Within that “Light,” left and right, the following symbols ap­peared:


They stayed until the Consecration was over. Then “the Light” spread over all those present.

On receiving “Our Lord,” I saw a heavenly vision. A very big book was being placed in front of me. It was locked by two gold-coloured clasps and a sealed paper was placed on it.


"The Voice" spoke:


“Look how She is radiating.”


And I saw “the Glorified Lady” so glaring that it hurt my eyes. “The Lady” was all Light and Sparkle. I heard "the Voice" say:


“The Holy Spirit will enlighten you further.”


Then everything faded away, but “the Light” stayed till the end of Holy Mass.

August 15, 1980

During Holy Mass at the Offertory, I saw “the Light” coming over the altar and the priest.
After the Consecration it spread over all those present and stayed till the end of Holy Mass.

September 8, 1980

During Holy Mass there was a strong, delicious fragrance of roses in the whole Chapel. That sweet scent emanated from the Painting of “the Lady of All Nations.” This I noticed when passing the Painting which was surrounded by “Light.”

December 8, 1980

During Holy Mass in our Chapel, I saw “the Light” coming over the altar and the priest.

After the Consecration it spread over all those present and only at the end of Holy Mass I saw it fading out of sight.

February 2, 1981

During Holy Mass at the Offertory I saw “the Light” coming over the altar and the priest. After the Consecration, it spread over every one present. And I saw the Painting of “the Lady” also radi­ating with “Light.” It remained till the end of Holy Mass.

February 11, 1981

During Holy Mass at the Offertory, I saw “the Light” coming over the altar and the priest.

After the Consecration it spread slowly over all those present.


I had a feeling as if that “Light” were completely penetrating me and I heard “the Voice; say:

“The Light will enlighten you.”


After the “Agnus Dei” I suddenly saw “the Lady of All Na­tions” standing between the Altar and the Tabernacle.


She was beaming with “Light” I saw Her as in those days when She was giving me Her Messages, but this time without the Cross, sheep and globe.


I could hardly believe my eyes, but “the Lady” began to speak and I heard clearly:

“Do you understand now for what purpose I did come?” She paused for a moment and continued:

“The moral decline in the Church and in the World is in full progress. The disasters in the Church and in the World are coming about, and the wars are still going on.”


She paused again and resumed:

“My Lord sent Me to warn them of all this, but they did not listen.”


Then “the Lady” turned towards the Tabernacle and pointed to it with Her right hand, saying:


“Tell your Supreme Pastor that I will take them to Him. Through Me to HIM. But they must repent. The Eucharist still exists.”


She looked at me and said:

“Be comforted, your sacrifice has been accepted.”


Then everything faded out of sight.

March 25, 1981

During Holy Mass at the Offertory I saw “the Light” coming over the altar and the priest. It was as if the Painting of “the Lady of All Nations” were standing in a special “Light.”

After the Consecration “the Light” spread over all those present and stayed till the end of Holy Mass.

April 16, 1981

During Holy Mass at the Offertory on this evening of Maundy Thursday, I saw “the Light” coming at the Offertory with a beau­tiful, radiating Cross within. “The Light” was shining over the altar and the priest. After the Consecration, it spread over all people present. Just as I was about to go to Communion, I had a vision and heard:


“Come, follow Me.”


I saw the “Radiant Figure” who beckoned me. I rose to go to the Communion-rail, but in my vision I walked in a street of Jerusa­lem, following that “Radiant Figure,” who said to me:


“Now I leave everything in the hands of this priest.”


And suddenly the “Radiant Figure” had disappeared, and I re­ceived “Our Lord” out of the hand of the priest.


“The Light” stayed till the end of the Celebration.

May 15, 1981

After the attack on the life of Pope John Paul II in St. Peter’s Square on Wednesday, May 13th, 1981, when he was seriously wounded, I immediately prayed for him and again on Thursday during Holy Mass.


But on May 15th, when I started praying for the Pope after receiving Holy Communion, I inwardly heard the following words and so I prayed:


“Lord Jesus Christ, place Your Blessed Hands on his wounds and he will recover.”

All at once I saw a ray of “Light” coming down and, while I felt as if someone were putting a finger on my lips, I heard “the Voice” say:


“Don’t be distressed, and be comforted. He will recover.”


Then “the Light” faded away.


On that same day and on the following days, I repeatedly heard over the radio and the television the message that Pope John Paul II was in peril of death.

May 31, 1981

At Holy Mass in our Chapel during the Creed and praying “Et incarnatus est de Spiritu Sancto ” I saw a lustrous “Light” approach­ing and within that “Light” this symbol with a large radiating Star in its centre:


This symbol was shining above the altar and the priests, re­maining till the end of the Consecration. Then “the Light” spread over all those present and stayed till the end of Holy Mass.

At the Holy Communion of the priests, I saw a heavenly vi­sion. I was standing in a large, hilly area, where I saw several golden idols with human and animal heads. Large groups of people came walking along, singing in a monotonous fashion. They knelt be­fore these idols and prayed with uplifted arms and repeatedly bend­ing forward. They were dressed in various loose tunics, some with a rope tied round the waist. They walked barefoot and a number of them had a piece of cloth halfway up their legs.


Suddenly, an infernal clamor came from the sky and I saw these idols collapsing like a house of cards. The people fled away scream­ing all over the plain and the hills.


Now I stood alone with the landscape before me turning round several times and within me I heard:

“This relates to a later epoch.”


Then from every quarter came men, women and children cheer­ing and singing. They were dressed differently from the former groups. They wore longer garments, some with head-cloths and bands around their heads and sandals on their feet.


In the centre of the plain I now saw a Temple with huge golden idols in various shapes inside.

On the front, at the top of the Temple, I saw sculptured mon­ster-heads. Inside, people were burning incense and I heard them praying in another language as the former groups. They, too, bowed low before these golden idols. Suddenly, I heard a frightening rumble coming from the earth. A terrible thunder and lightning burst out above the Temple. The earth trembled so that the Temple was tot­tering and suddenly fell into ruins. A few parts of the columns still stood upright. The people fled away in panic, screaming loudly.

Now again I stood alone and saw that hilly landscape turning round before my eyes. I heard inwardly:

“This was to happen later.”


And again there was a Temple, but it was built in a different style from the former one. On its front, at the top, I saw words in strange characters. On the steps and inside, I saw men with various tunics and different features and heard inwardly:

“These are Romans, Jews and other people.”


They were involved in vehement and loud discussions. And this Temple too 1 saw being destroyed with tremendous noise, thun­der and lightning. The fragments were lying all around. Yet again I was standing alone in that hilly landscape.


Suddenly, I saw other groups of men fiercely fighting one an­other. They had on various kinds of tunics, some of them wore a sort of loin-cloth or a waist-cloth of plaited tissue or metal. I saw several men with spears in their hands and others had a rope with a round stone attached to its end. With these objects they were fight­ing one another. They fought also in hand-to-hand combat. It was awful to look at. Watching I heard inwardly:

“These are Gentiles fighting against Christians and Jews.”


All this disappeared from my view and again I stood alone in that landscape.
Then some men dressed in long garments came along. They had a sort of cloak over their left shoulder. I counted twelve of them. A “Radiant Figure” walked ahead. The man in front turned to me and said:

“Come, let us go to the ‘Pascha.”


And at once we were walking in a narrow street with all sorts of people. In my vision I followed them through that narrow street, but…suddenly the men had vanished and I was going towards the priest who was giving Holy Communion. I received “Our Lord” not knowing who gave It to me.

Back in my place, I saw “the Lady of All Nations” with Cross, globe and sheep. She appeared very clearly out of a “Light” be­tween the Tabernacle and the Altar. I was very much excited by seeing Her and I was unaware of my surroundings. “The Lady” began to speak very slowly and clearly, She said:

“The Lord has sent Me to you for the last time in this Temple of Sacrifice and Prayer,
in order to warn you all. The time has come.”


She looked ahead and continued:

“I have always set you an example to lead you to HIM,
as the First one among His sheep and I was allowed to bring the Prayer for all nations.
Keep on praying.”


Then She spoke with strong emphasis and seriously:

“Be faithful to your Church – the Church of Rome. Be faithful to Cephas, Peter your Pope.


Now She seemed to look into the distance and resumed:

“I told you: I shall not leave you orphans. I did come back.”


And She went on saying:

“He, the Spirit of Truth, will save the world if you keep on imploring.”


Turning Her head towards me She said:

“Pass on accurately all that I now have told you.”


“The Lady” paused for a moment and I heard Her say in a comforting manner:

“Farewell, till Eternity.”


With these words She bade me farewell.


As I saw Her slowly disappear from within “the Light,” I felt a terrible emptiness and sadness in my heart. Then I realised that the Sacred Host was still unconsumed on my tongue, so I consumed it. The whole vision impressed me profoundly. I thanked “the Lord” and “the Lady” and implored: “Please, don’t forsake us.”

June 23, 1981

When I awoke this morning, I had a premonition as if sour-thing was to happen and wondered what it could be.


That feeling returned frequently, which led me to think I must be something extraordinary. Yet I had no inkling of what it could be.

August 15, 1981

During Holy Mass in our Chapel at the Offertory, I saw “the Light” coming over the altar and the priest.


At the “Agnus Dei” “the Light” settled between the Altar and the Tabernacle and while there, changed into a beautiful, crystal-clear fountain which spouted in every direction.

After Holy Communion of the faithful the fountain faded away and I saw again, “the Light” which now had spread over all those present. It stayed until the end of Holy Mass.

March 25, 1984

During Holy Mass at Holy Communion in our Chapel, I saw “the Light” coming and spreading over all those present.


After receiving “Our Lord” and back in my place I had a heav­enly vision.

I heard “the Voice” saying very clearly:

“The period of ‘the Lady of All Nations’ as Co-Redemptrix is drawing near.”


Heavenly music sounded in my ears and I saw a lustrous Crown, sparkling like diamonds. Then everything faded away and “the Light” disappeared slowly.

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